Leadership Summit Session Three :: Christine Caine

For a resource on who Christine Caine is, take a look here at the organization that she and her husband have founded.
  • There are people all over who are crying out for hope.
  • It is easy to get overwhelmed; there is so much hopelessness.
  • The church was made and born for this moment; it is our time for our greatest potential.
  • The church is the vehicle for the hope of Jesus, who is in the business of healing and saving and transforming people.
  • Hope for a leader is like the oxygen that we breathe.
  • As leaders, we have a responsibility to lead people from a place of hope... because people will respond to our cue.
  • You have to believe that you can make a difference... otherwise, there is no point.
  • Our source of hope is not simply being connected to the facts of this world but to the truths of God.
  • We are not talking about wishful thinking; but a confident expectation that the Word of God is true - that Jesus is still in the business of fixing broken lives.  That if he did it for me, he can do it for you.
  • How do you lead from this place of hope?  Remember that it is all about one life that God wants to change through you.  It's not 27 million people; it's 27 million "ones."
  • Numbers are overwhelming, numbing, and desensitizing.  Get past the numbers to the one.  People are more than numbers.  
  • Jesus didn't die for 7 billion people; he died for 7 billion different individuals.  We have to translate that love from these huge nameless numbers to the individual person.
  • We have to be convinced that the same power that raised Jesus lives in us.  If we are, we are compelled to share that power with others.  Our passion fuels our hope.
  • Lead out of the work that Jesus has done in you.  
  • You do what you want from passion; you do what you have to do out of obligation.  
  • If we lead simply out of obligation, we have forgotten what Jesus has done for us.
  • When we have a passionate hope, it will carry us beyond our ability or our discouragement.
  • Hope fuels our risk taking.  It helps you take a step out of the boat.  God is calling his church to go to places where she has never been.  We have to stop praying for miracles and yet avoiding those places where miracles can happen.
  • We should "return to the stronghold" - be prisoners of the hope of Jesus.
  • Jesus, who started this work in us, shall bring us to completion in the day of Christ Jesus.

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