weekly update, 9.15.09

Just a few things for you:


-Great Weekend! - This past weekend was one of the most significant that we've had to produce as a ministry - the weekend where we cast the vision for being a church of more than one campus, and asked people to commit to spending a year as a part of the Waterloo Campus.  It was absolutely amazing to see people stream towards the stage and grab a brick signifying their commitment.  We had close to 200 people decide to go!

-Voluntour - We've asked a few of you to join us at Voluntour this Thursday, September 17 at PLC.  Please show up at 5:00 p.m. for instructions; potential/new volunteers will start rolling in at 5:30 p.m.  We'll be giving production tours, telling stories of what it's like to serve in P&P, and explaining the different roles and serving opportunities on the weekend.  RSVP to Shari if you've been contacted, or if you're interested in being a part of it.

-All Team Food Sign Ups - In an effort share the load of food preparation at our All Team meetings, Shari has put a sign up sheet at both ends of the tunnel.  So, on the weekends, sign up for something, will ya?

-Vocal Training - If you're a vocalist on our Alternate list, or are looking to improve your vocal quality, stay after our next All Team meeting on Tuesday, October 13.  Beginning at 8:00 p.m., Shari Ford, Renee Tink, and Michelle Fails will be grabbing whoever sticks around and doing an hour's worth of vocal training.  This is great if you're needing a benchmark of your ability, tips on where to improve, or polish.

Have a great week!

weekly update, 9.2.09

Hey everyone,

Here's the update for this week. Enjoy this great weather!


-All Team Meeting
Expect to be welcoming some new volunteers from our VolunTOUR event at our next All Team meeting this Tuesday, September 8.

-Tech Team Training
After the All Team Meeting this Tuesday, everyone is welcome to stick around for some training at our various tech stations. This week we'll be focusing especially in the video area. It's a great chance for our new volunteers to get some experience, and a great chance for you to be cross-trained in another area of service.

-New Volunteer Integration
In an effort to connect our new volunteers to a spot of service on the weekends, we're contacting some of you and tasking you with the responsibility to invite them to shadow you on the weekend. While we've already made first points of contact with each of them, we're relying on YOU to be the hands and the feet of Programming and Production ministry, and to be a welcoming and affirming presence as they take their first steps towards serving with us and joining our community.

-Yet Another Retreat
First of all: wasn't our retreat awesome? 32 people! Wonderful setting! Great time with God and each other! Ok. So, we thought to ourselves: what better way to keep some of the momentum going, connect some of our new volunteers, and get a holiday party in before it gets crazy than to hold a retreat in November? (By the way, can you believe I just used the word "holidays?)

So, mark your calendars for Friday evening, November 13 and Saturday morning, November 14. We're going to stay right here in Cedar Falls and spend some time at the Hartman Reserve Nature Center. Pretty setting, very cheap, no need for overnight accomodations... but a spot and a space for us to be all together, get connected, welcome new faces, and celebrate the holidays before they get crazy. Love for you to join us then. More info will be provided as the day approaches.