weekly update, 7.22.09

Hey everyone.  Glad to see so many of you turn out for our last All Team meeting just a little over a week ago!  Thanks for spending a little extra time with us and taking all of it in.  In case you missed it, here are the highlights:

PLANNING CENTER ONLINE - We are now using a web software called Planning Center Online to manage all of our scheduling and rotation teams, as well as to deliver charts and music files for our bands.  So far, the report has been good.  Hop on to www.planningcenteronline.com and block out dates you're not available.  Again, thanks for your cooperation!

A WATERLOO CAMPUS - Beginning February 28, 2010, Prairie Lakes Church will be a church of not one campus, but two!  If you missed this announcement and what it means for our teams, send Shari Ford an email at shari.ford@prairielakeschurch.org.  She can give you a packet and a copy of the Inspired booklet that were handed out this past Tuesday as resources for you to begin to understand what we're doing and why.  Any questions, let Jesse know at jesse.tink@prairielakeschurch.org.

Ok.  Here's what we have for you this week:

Again, the date is Saturday, August 22.  We'll meet at the front doors of PLC at 8:00 a.m. and caravan over to Pine Lake Christian camp near Eldora, just 45 minutes away.  

What will we be doing?  Well, a few of the things that characterize our retreats are good food, a relaxed atmosphere, guided personal times and spaces to be with God, group times of teaching, discussion, and vision, and some intimate worship.  

How long will we be staying?  Just for the day.  We'll be back before suppertime, right around 5:00 p.m.

Will transportation be provided?  Kind of.  We'll gather at the church together as a group, then see who will be willing to drive to Eldora, and pile into cars so everyone doesn't have to drive.

What will this cost?  Just your time.

Why should I come?  You'll want to be there with us because God is going to speak to us about what is next.  The theme that he's grown up in us for this retreat centers around the story of Israel as they were coming out of Egypt and making their trek towards the Promised Land.  They found themselves on the road to freedom, but the road wasn't without challenge.

We're in a similar spot in our ministry during this current season.  We've got a destination that God is pushing us towards, and some pretty clear steps to get there.  But it won't be without challenge, and we need to be unified, taking steps together in the same direction.  The more folks we can get to commit to being together at this retreat, the better off our ministry will be in this next season as we take off after God.  That's why you should come.

If you serve on one of our technical teams, you can use planning center online for more than just scheduling.  For example:

if you are video directing, switching, or operating a camera:  take a look at the service order and familiarize yourself with what we're doing and where we're going in the service.  Download some of the songs to familiarize yourself with the feel and the environment that we're creating.  If you do this, you'll walk into a service better prepared to create and to hit cues.

if you are engineering front of house: download the music that we're going to play for the service you're mixing.  Listen to it during the week, so that you have a good idea of what instrument is featured at different parts in the song, and what type of feel we're shooting for during moments in the service.

If you're on stage, remember these simple rules as you choose your clothes:

1. No extremely bright colors, including white.  It makes it too hard for our shaders to manipulate the irises of our cameras for an appropriate brightness on our screens.

2. Limit your stripes.  Shirts and tops with a small, repeated striped pattern are difficult for our cameras to display, especially when you move.  Your shirt will appear blurry on the screens.

3. Modesty.  This one is mainly for our women: things that are cut even a little low or are more form fitting tend to be exaggerated on camera.  Generally speaking, we do a very good job at being modest.  But, just a gentle reminder to continue to be a little more conservative, especially during these last few summer months.

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