Waterloo Teams

Hey P&P people - we need to know if you're planning on making our upcoming Waterloo campus your church home!

Take a look at the video below for what you need to do:

Here's just a few more things that you need to know as you make your decision:

  • We will be starting incubation services up in the Chapel beginning sometime late January, 2010.  What does this mean?  Well, it means that if you're planning on making Prairie Lakes Waterloo your new church home, you're gonna start worshiping together up in the chapel on Sundays.  
  • Translation of the bullet point above: Waterloo attenders in the chapel seats; Waterloo P&P volunteers putting on services - both music and tech.
  • Hopefully by now you've met your new leaders.  If not, you really should.  They're both great guys.
  • At this point, we're needing to know if you're going to commit to Waterloo - not if you're willing to serve at either location.  Hopefully, all of us fall into the latter camp.  But, we need to know who is planning on making the move, so that we can start to craft our teams.
So, per the video, send Shari Ford an email, and let her know if you're going to Waterloo!


  1. awesome. why do you even have me and brett around?

  2. Yea so.. you are gonna want to come to Waterloo. Seriously. It's gonna to be off the hook. Just saying.

  3. @creativematt: because Dan does a bad job of looking at the camera when he talks! -Dan

  4. Email has been sent.Great video guys :-)

  5. Dear Dan,

    Please Shave.


  6. lOvE iT!! (sung in a high, male, falsetto)
