quit being so quiet!

We've started to use our P&P blog not only to keep you updated on P&P happenings, events, and community life, but also as a place to encounter ideas and exchange feedback.  We'd love to hear more from you!  Quit being so quiet!  Let's use this as a place to continue to build our community, familiarity, and understanding of one another.

Here's a few updates (you know... the non-commenting type that you all apparently love):

Hillsong United
As the date is approaching, it seems like a few of you are wavering on your ticket requests.  That's ok.  We can find people who want your tickets.  However, we'll be requiring that you pay for your tickets by Tuesday, April 6, at our All Team meeting.  You can pay Shari for them any time before then as well.  We do have them in and ready to be given to you.

All Team Meeting Change
Our next All Team meeting in April has been moved up to Tuesday, April 6, like was just stated above.  This has been moved so that some of us can head over to the Tenth Avenue North/Casting Crowns concert.

April All Team Meeting: Spiritual Direction
The topic of conversation for April's All Team meeting is this question: "What is the current spiritual direction of Prairie Lakes Church?"  What is the Spirit currently doing in our church as a whole?  What horizons are we feeling compelled to explore?  What does that mean for our ministry specifically?  Hope you can join us.

Summer Trips and Retreats
Until this year, we've traditionally taken a trip to Willow Creek to attend their Arts Conference every June.  Well, this year, they are not having it.  I've been scouring the blogosphere and different church websites to try and find some viable alternatives.  I think there are a few... but some might require a plane ticket.  Also, our best bet might be to split our programming teams from our production teams for this year, as I haven't really been able to find a conference that provides a good experience for both aspects of our team.  In the next couple of weeks, I'll throw some options out there and ask for your feedback as we make plans for trips in the summer and fall.  Of course... we'll do our annual fall P&P retreat at a location TBD!

Thanks all!  Hope you're enjoying the warm sunshine!

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