Easter and a same face in a different place

Hey all,

Just in case you missed our All Team meeting this past Tuesday, here were the significant highlights:

Good Friday and Easter
  • We saw a significant increase in attendance at our Good Friday service in Cedar Falls.  God revealed himself in unbelievably powerful ways: spontaneous worship, people coming forward to talk to the elders, and a sense of freedom as we focused on the cross and embarked on a hour-long extended time of worship.
  • At Easter, we saw hundreds of people across both campuses stream forward towards the stage to have a moment with Jesus, declaring their desire to see him more clearly.
  • We had over 20 people come to know Jesus for the first time.
  • We had over 30 people significantly rededicate their lives to Christ.
  • We logged hundreds of volunteer hours into these services, and God blessed us for our faithfulness.
It was an awesome thing to be a part of, and an awesome thing to behold.  

Jon Lloyd is Moving

We are transitioning Jon Lloyd from his position as Waterloo Worship Director over to Cedar Falls Worship director.  

Why?  Well, first, because the position at Cedar Falls has been vacant since Sandy left and I (Jesse) took over as Programming Director.  Second, because Jon is more than a Worship Leader.  He has a desire and ability to create and influence our worship experience across campuses, as well as an demonstrated ability to raise up, train, and resource our current worship leaders and shepherds across campuses.  This makes him a perfect candidate for our Cedar Falls position, since our services are currently created at Cedar Falls, and for now, Cedar Falls is the facility where our training and resourcing can happen.  So, rather than hiring another guy like Jon for Cedar Falls, we prayerfully and unanimously thought it would be best to move him and then backfill his position at Waterloo.

When?  Jon's transition will begin as soon as we hire a candidate.  Actually, we have a candidate that we're considering who is coming to visit us this weekend.  He will be at the Cedar Falls campus for its Saturday night service, at Waterloo for its Sunday morning service, and then back at Cedar Falls on Sunday night to lead the River.  Jon will begin his transition if and when a new candidate is hired... but certainly not before then.

How?  The start day for the new Waterloo worship director will mark day one of a three month transition for Jon.  During the first 30 days of that transition, the Waterloo Worship Director will attend and observe Waterloo rehearsals and services, and spend most of his time getting to know our Waterloo volunteers, staff, and culture.  During the next 30 days of that transition, the Waterloo Worship Director will begin to share the stage with Jon as an instrumentalist or soloist, as well as start to participate and run rehearsals with Jon.  Then, during the final 30 days of that transition, the Waterloo Worship Director will co-lead with Jon from stage, and then lead by himself under Jon's observation.  After those three months then, Jon will start full time in Cedar Falls.

What happens if...?  If this candidate doesn't work out, Jon is staying at Waterloo until a suitable candidate can be found.  God has continued to bless us at Prairie Lakes with numerous talented and godly worship leaders.  You will be protected, and you will most certainly not be left high and dry.  God will be faithful to us, and we will be faithful stewards with what He has given us... including the health, vibrancy, and worship culture of our Waterloo campus.  I promise: we will be faithful to God, and faithful to you, until this transition is completed well.

What type of person are we looking for?  We are looking for:
  • Someone with a humble, authentic heart who leads worship out of that heart.
  • Someone with enough musical talent and diversity to lead our gifted musicians and vocalists well.
  • Someone who is creative, but doesn't have a desire to create from a blank canvas.
  • Someone who leads people the best through being a good shepherd.
  • Someone who will continue to advocate for Waterloo's growth and needs.
  • Someone who can recruit and train up new volunteers - who has a desire to grow the artistic community at Waterloo in both quality and quantity.
  • Someone who will work well with Waterloo's current staff - particularly Ron and Jeremy.
Questions?  Give me a call or send me an email.  I'd love to chat with you some more.

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