We took some great steps at PLC over this past weekend, all with a purpose:
First, we started the service like this:
Second, we remembered the sacrifice of our service men and women first by showing them this video, and then by having them standing and praying for them. It was a great moment, a moving moment, and I hope that they felt honored and remembered.
Finally, ALL of our campuses this weekend were a video venue. We filmed John preaching on location from Overman Park in Cedar Falls, Lincoln Park in Waterloo, and the Mitchell County fairgrounds in Osage. It was awesome to give our people at Cedar Falls a taste of what it's like to engage in the message via video. Surprise, surprise... it worked!
So, why did we do it the way that we did? Well, since Memorial Day marks the unofficial beginning of summer, we wanted to take the opportunity to help our people see the need to engage with their community, especially as it concerns the bigger community events - like My Waterloo Days, Sturgis Falls, and the Mitchell County Fair. And since we are a church of more than one campus, we needed to contextualize the message for all of our different locations. I think we really hit the mark.
From Jon Lloyd over at Waterloo:
- Great crowd (numbers wise) despite being a holiday weekend.
- The crowd was very engaged during the worship set, had a lot of energy, and sang their lungs out.
- Had some people from the Osage campus come and check out the service.
- We will engage.
- We will choose proximity over protection.
- We will participate.
- We will enter in with a kingdom mindset.
Jesus is our model. These are the principles by which he conducted his ministry. And you know what? He was accused by religious people as being a glutton and a drunkard because of how often he was at parties with party people, drink in hand.
These are also great principles for us in artistic ministry. Think about it:
- We will engage with the culture around us. It's ok to take some cues from them. In fact, it's good.
- We will choose proximity over protection. Our worship services need to look and feel closer to what they are used to than what we are used to. No Christian bubbles. How do we know we're on the right track? We'll know when insiders tell us that they are a little uncomfortable.
- We will participate. Yes! Let's play some Guitar Hero in church! Absolutely! Let's jump in to all of the ways are community invites us to have fun with them. Let's enjoy everything that God has to offer with them.
- We will enter in with a kingdom mindset. God is always up to something. Let's put ourselves in a position alongside those who have yet to know him, and see what he does. 92% of us at Prairie Lakes Church came because we were invited by someone. What better opportunity to invite than at Sturgis Falls, or My Waterloo Days, or the Mitchell County Fair, with a corndog and a beer in your hand?
Now, no one is asking you to violate a personal conviction. But we are saying this: Jesus chose not to hold his personal convictions over the lost, and instead chose to engage and even participate with them in what they were doing, without sin. How awesome is that? What freedom there is in that! Let's boldly have fun this summer, seizing every opportunity along the way to invite, not worrying about what other people think of us.
Have a great week!