Some of you may be wondering why I'm posting anything on Wednesday when I'm supposed to be out of the office enjoying my first child at home. Let me put your mind at ease: though this is posted Wednesday, I really wrote it on Sunday, and just used the feature on Blogger to post it at a later date.
Yep. Pretty clever.
So, brief reminder. "Seek Me to Live" is our ministry's vision for 2010. We want to press into God, find our life in him, and have his life flow through us. We know that if we don't, we're lost this year. We'll be overcome by the challenges, by the stresses, by the weight of our mission, and by those who seek to get us off course.
So here's what I have for you on this Seek Me to Live Wednesday.
I have nothing.
Yep. Nothing.
Not "nothing" as in no ideas for how to seek God to live. Rather: "nothing" as in absence, as in getting rid of something you previously had, as in clearing out the junk so that nothing remains.
Let me tell you a story.
Last Thursday, most of the staff of PLC took a bus up to the Relevance Conference at Eaglebrook Church up in the Twin Cities. Erin and I both did not go, for obvious reasons.
This left us with this incredible little gift: a day normally that was dedicated to work became a day where we had nothing to do.
As in nothing.
Of course, you fill in a day like that with stuff. But we filled it with the right kind of stuff: we rested, we ran a few errands that we'd been putting off, we got some maintenance done on the car, and then we spent the rest of the afternoon sitting at Panera, enjoying some drinks, and reading.
If you hopped over to my personal blog, you'd see what came out of that day for me. Look at the entries on May 13. It was one of the most incredible times that I've had with God and with God's word recently.
That day was a gift to me. It was like God was saying, "Here, take this, and enjoy it."
And then it occured to me:
He's given us a day like that every week. It's called the Sabbath.
The God of the universe wants to give me a gift every single week of getting rid of everything so that I can be filled with every good thing.
So, on this Seek Me to Live Wednesday:
When was the last time you gave yourself the gift of doing nothing so that you could have everything you really need?
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