Sunday musings

It's been a week of silence on the P&P blog.  My bad.  Gotta get back on the horse.

It seems like we always have some pretty significant things for you to know, and today is no different:


Staffing Updates

Brett Pyke has transitioned out of his part-time position as Cedar Falls' Assistant Technical Director and into a full-time position at Mudd Advertising.  Brett and Stephanie both looked at what the future held, and concluded that it was in their best interest for Brett to pursue a full-time job.  They will continue to attend Prairie Lakes Church, and Brett will continue to volunteer on the technical side of our ministry.  But, he will certainly be missed nonetheless.

Zach Elster has accepted a position as the Waterloo Worship Director, effective tomorrow.  We're really excited to be able to bring Zach on the team as a full-time member, and excited for him to lead the Waterloo campus.  He will continue his responsibilities on Wednesday nights at Cedar Falls, leading our Student Ministry environments, the Rock and the Road.  Tell him congrats the next time you see him.

Jon Lloyd will begin transitioning out of his role as Waterloo's Worship Director and into a more regular presence as Cedar Falls' Worship Director.  What will that transition look like?  For awhile, Jon and Zach will alternate at Waterloo on the weekends that Jon is not leading at Cedar Falls.  By later this fall, Zach we hope that Zach and Jon are both firmly rooted as a regular presence at their respective campuses.

I (Jesse Tink) will be continuing in my role as the Programming Director, but will also be serving as the Interim Waterloo Campus Pastor while we conduct a search for Ron's replacement.  I'll still be in Cedar Falls every Saturday night acting as the producer of the services, but will be in Waterloo on Sunday mornings helping to set up and serving as the campus pastor.  I'm excited to get to serve in this capacity, even for the interim - really looking forward to getting a different perspective on multisite ministry, as well as to work with our Waterloo staff and volunteers.


State of the Union

If you came to our last All Team meeting a couple of weeks ago, you know that the theme for our retreat on August 20-21 at the Waterloo Center for the Arts is "State of the Union."  We are going to gather, choose to be authentic and transparent, ask some honest questions, and really take a look at the state of our ministry - post-Waterloo launch, on the eve of Osage's launch, a year into the journey of becoming a multisite church and ministry.

I promised to get some of your feedback as fodder for what we'll be talking about for that weekend.  Here is the link to the first survey:

The first survey is on our Artistic Direction.  It'll take you about 5-10 minutes to answer the 17 questions on the survey.  Thanks in advance for your honest feedback.

Again, please send Angela Payne an email if you're planning on attending.

Check back tomorrow for the weekly version of Monday Soup.

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