are you in?

We've been challenging many of you over the last few months to consider a move to Waterloo.  Many of you have responded.

Let me say that again:

Many of you have responded.

Praise God for you.

And now, for those of us who are called to remain at Cedar Falls, we have a God-given challenge: to pull together, level up, and fill the gaps that are being left by our brothers and sisters who have obeyed God's call to leave.

And we do have some gaps, specifically on our Production teams:
  • Camera operators
  • PVP operators
  • Video switchers
  • Lighting operators
And so, let me challenge three very specific types of people to consider filling these gaps:
  • Programming Alternates - If you have auditioned for our instrumental or vocal teams, and currently find yourself on our list of alternates, then you need to prayerfully consider if now isn't the time for you to jump off of that list and onto a regular serving opportunity on one of our production teams.  Specifically: if you are a vocal alternate or an acoustic guitar alternate, we need you to consider this, simply because there are so many of you and so few spots to serve on the Programming side of things.  You can make an immediate and significant impact on a vital part of our P&P ministry in Cedar Falls.
  • Programming Regular Rotation - It might be time for you to consider doing double duty for a time, even if you're regularly serving on one of our music teams.  The experience that you will gain on "the other side of things" will really be invaluable to you, no matter where you are currently serving.  If you've got the time, we've got a spot.
  • Production Regular Rotation - Same thing goes for you, production folks.  If you've got the time, we've got a spot.  Now isn't the time to hold out for a spot that fits more of your preference or that gets you closer to where you wanna be.  Now is the time to go where you're needed.
I am expecting big things out of you all, because I know what you're capable of, and I know that your heart is right where it needs to be.  I'm excited to sacrifice more of my time and energy with you, for the sake of our community, for the sake of our brothers and sisters in Waterloo, and for the sake of God's name in Iowa.

It starts with us.  Are you in?

If you're willing to step into a different role or take on some more responsibilities, send Shari an email at

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