some thoughts; your thoughts?

It's Friday, which is my day off.  Sometimes I spend it lounging.  Sometimes I spend it exercising.  Sometimes I spend it napping.  Sometimes I read, write, pray, reflect, retreat.  And sometimes it's some combination of some/all of the above.

Today, I spent it catching up on some sleep, catching up on some blog reading, and then spending some time in the Bible, confession, prayer, and journaling.  It's been great.

One of the things that came out of it is something that I want to share with all of you.  I was prompted to ask our teaching pastors here at PLC this question(s):

"What really, truly fires you up from the platform? In other words, what are the topics that you could teach and preach for the rest of your life with passion and intensity? Where is there such overlap between your heart and God's heart that your words flow with authority and transformative power? What inspires and sanctifies you even as you teach it?"

Here's the few that I came up with:
  • You can't grow with God unless you develop a conversational relationship with him - unless you know how to hear, understand, and respond to his voice. Conversation often precedes obedience.
  • The ugliness of my sin cannot outshine the beauty of Christ's cross.
  • A better word for discipleship: formation.
  • "Churchy" worship is impotent worship.
  • Be more loyal to God's kingdom than you are to any other.
  • Be a student of and a participant in the culture around you. So-called "Christian insulation" is the long path to a slow death for the God-follower.
  • Want Christ's life flowing through you every day? Then learn how to die his death every day.
  • Be careful: there is a difference between manufacturing a godly image and being remade into God's image. One requires God; the other does not.
I'd like to ask you all a similar question:

Where does your heart overlap with God's?  What God-thing are you so passionate about that you could devote the rest of your life to living it and passing it on?  To singing and playing about it?  To devote your service to it?

I'd love to know your thoughts, and for you to share them with our community.  Take a few minutes and post below.


  1. Jess....
    Little did you know this is my way of connecting with PLC since I still consider it home! Love all the new blogs.

    The topic that I could talk about forever, well at least the rest of my life, would be "authenticity/genuine life" In so many ways I think this will make everything else fall in place. If you are truthful, you will get the truth back. If you want to be truthful, people will tell you what they think if they know you are sincere.

    For me it has helped me to know who I am as a husband, son. brother, friend and professional. It carries into every aspect of life, because your true inner being is played out in everything you say and do.

    That's my little tid bit. Hope all is well (and cold:) )

    PSS- my work verification to post this, the word was "poop" found that humorous!

  2. That's great, Derek! Glad you can keep up with us with our blog.

    Thanks for the comment. I definitely agree with you - authenticity is a big one for me, too.

  3. I think one of the things that can be overlooked when we gather for worship is the impact that it has on the God's Kingdom. One of my favorite verses is Psalm 67:5-7 which says:

    5 May the peoples praise you, O God;
    may all the peoples praise you.

    6 Then the land will yield its harvest,
    and God, our God, will bless us.

    7 God will bless us,
    and all the ends of the earth will fear him.

    It helps remind me that this is not about us, but about God and what He wants to do in the lives around us.

    I could go on and on about that for days. :)

  4. I get most fired up talking about Christ's love for us, how he is not only "jealous for me" but for everyone, especially the lost. It is one of those things that I wish every living soul understood, and it is the one thing that gets me the most upset. When people can't "see" it, it breaks my heart.

    I'm also really fired up about "Kingdom Life Principals" even though I only know *this much* (thumb and finger just barely seperated). Life in God's Kingdom has so much more to offer than most Christ-followers know. I'm glad PLC is heading toward more and more kingdom-based teaching!
